By bike, bus and car our supporters turned up for this month’s current demonstration, marking World Day Against Trafficking in Persons. We know many women passing through Derwentside Women’s Immigration Removal Centre have been trafficked and abused, so this is a live issue for us.
The aim of our campaign has not wavered from seeing the IRC shut down. Interestingly, the introductory headline in the newly published monitoring report on the centre confirms one of our key messages. The location of this prison is completely unsuited to its function. This would apply whether or not the current female intake is replaced by men, as the previous immigration minister declared would happen months ago.
We and our partners all over the country continue to campaign on the central issue: that detaining people who have not been convicted of any crime is a human rights crime itself. We hope our new government will have the humanity to acknowledge this. Unresolved immigration cases do not need to involve incarceration. We’ll be working hard to bring our new slate of regional MPs on board with this message.
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